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Home 9 Project 9 Black Box Armadillo


The Armadillo is a vehicle for transporting heavy materials in the most diverse environments such as rough terrain, water and snow. Since it is used for both scientific expeditions and geographical exploration, it was decided to equip it with:
1) environmental sensors,
2) sensors related to the state of the vehicle itself,
3) real-time geolocation system.

Idrometro Heidi

All functions have been integrated through a single microcontroller with GPS, GSM, Bluetooth, WiFi, flash memory, etc. on its board. Specifically:

1) environmental sensors: outdoor temperature and A and B ultravioletsĀ  (UVA and UVB) expressed as UV Index; these data are recorded in the physical memory at a regular interval.

2) status sensors: water presence sensors and clinometer for longitudinal and transverse axis, with corresponding audible alarm in case of detection of water inside the hull or excessive inclinations close to capsizing the craft;
3) real-time tracking with GPS sending the position to a server (with satellite imagery) via GSM.

The entire system has been implemented in an IP68 watertight box, and activation of the various functions is via an Android application that sends serial commands via Bluetooth terminal.

Weight: 350 g (excluding battery).
Dimensions: 12.5 x 10 x 6 cm.
Sensors: digital temperature sensor, two analog water presence sensors, GPS, UVA-B sensor.
Microcontroller board: LinkitONE from Mediatek-Seeedstudio.
Connectivity: GSM for sending real-time location, Bluetooth for sending commands or reading data via Android app.
Power supply: 20,000 mA powerbank (or any other 5V power supply). Solar panel also possible.
Autonomy: depending on the powerbank used.
Watertight box: IP68 plastic material.