+393398979963 info@openvironment.net


Custom Made Electronics

for Environmental

Monitoring (but not only)

Openvironment is the fusion of two words into one, “Open” and “Environment.
Open because we make devices based on Open Source microcontrollers such as Arduino or derivatives, Open because our solutions are open to subsequent implementations, improvements and evolutions precisely because we make both the hardware and software parts.
Environment because we have focused on environmental (but not limited to) monitoring.
Customized because we make ad hoc instrumentation and devices according to your requirements and needs.

Open Source Environmental Monitoring is our motto!

Often the electronic instrumentation or devices that we find ‘off-the-shelf’ on the market do not fit our needs perfectly or maybe are so ‘refined’ that they are overpriced for the project or idea we want to go for, going far beyond our needs. Sometimes what we need does not exist at all.

Our idea is simple and is summarized in a few steps:
1) you tell us what your specific need is: whether it is a low-cost streamgage, a monitoring system, a water cooling and topping up system for your aquarium when you are on vacation, or an alert system for water leaks or overflow of a cistern, it doesn’t matter to us;
2) we analyze the problem and propose a solution by choosing the right sensor(s), the eventual action to be taken if a threshold of a certain value is exceeded (positively or negatively) or the occurrence of a certain event will happen;
3) we provide you with the eventual the cost of implementation and, if it is okay with you, we will take care of: a- assembling the whole thing, b- programming the microcontroller so that it performs what you want, and c- installing (or providing you with detailed instructions) the device.

Let’s take an example:

Open Source Environmental Monitoring

Speaking of …

Open Source Environmental Monitoring 
IoT (Internet of Things)
Our devices are natively designed to be viewed and accessed via the web from a standard browser. We make use of the Adafruit IO server (e.g. of an online weather station dashboard: envdashboard). For more details see here.​

Open Source Environmental Monitoring

Low power consumption
We design devices to consume as little power as possible both in order to maximize battery life when they are installed in the field, and as a matter of energy consumption if they are powered by grid power. Where possible we follow the solar panel “philosophy.” For more details see here.

Open Source Environmental Monitoring
IP Standards
For monitoring devices installed outdoors, we take care to adopt solutions for the containment of electronics and the bypass of electrical cables and wires that reflect IP (Ingress Protection) standards suitable for each specific environmental context and usage situation. For more details see here.​